Cozy Dreams Policies
Cozy Dreams is proud to say we are the only Teepee business registered in Suffolk with trading standards. Cozy Dreams have been vetted and our equipment has had safety checks with Trading standards officers and all our paper work complies to the law requirements. We have our inspection report available to show our clients along side our certificates of our Teepees.
All sleepovers are required to be registered and inspected with all their polices and equipment they are hiring out. Please do not be afraid to ask a company for all their required law documentation they should be providing if running a sleepover business along with all certificates and reports. Child safety is our main priority.
Terms and Conditions
Our Cozy Dreams Terms and conditions will be sent to you within your booking in form. Please do take the time to read these. There will be a section for you to tick accept or do not accept. If you accept this is your acceptance to reading them and confirming you understand them.
You will be required to fill out the booking form and submit the form back to us.
Our Indoor sleepover tents and led light up numbers are for indoor use only, All equipment is supplied by Cozy Dreams on hire basis, All equipment is the property and owned by Cozy Dreams. All equipment must be returned after hire duration in the same condition that Cozy Dreams supplied hire equipment to you.
Photos upon installation will be taken and Risk assessment will be completed by the staff of Cozy Dreams Our T&C's have been vetted by Trading standards so All law complaint.
Risk assessment:
Cozy Dreams will always complete our risk assessment at every set up. You will be required to sign our Risk assessment form. Any risks will be pointed out to you and noted all down on the form.
Privacy policy
Cozy Dreams privacy policy is for the documentation and website of Cozy dreams and is presented by Lisa Fulcher owner of Cozy dreams. Cozy Dreams Privacy document outlines the responsibilities and rights of the individuals who choose to use it.
Cozy Dreams privacy policy will be sent to you upon booking in email confirmation.
If you require any more information please do just request.
Deposit & Payment:
All our deposit process information will be sent to you.
PLEASE NOTE bookings are not secure until deposit has been received.
Public Liability insurance
Cozy Dreams is fully insured. We also share our certifications with all venues we deliver and set up at.
Please do contact us if you require more information.